Mindfulness Techniques for Stress
The idea behind meditation or mindfulness (which is a simpler, time restricted form of meditation) is that we can reduce tension, anxiety, and stress by staying in the present moment as opposed to "checking out" or letting our mind ruminate (often about unpleasant and scary things). When we let our mind wonder we become agitated, and when we become agitated, we start generating negativity, which affects us and tends to affect other people as well. While unwanted things happen all the time, and we cannot control what happens, we can claim some control by observing our breath and bodily reactions. You can even say out loud what you are feeling, stating things like "I am angry now," or "I feel a lot of tension now," or "I am worried about the future right now," but keep the emphasis on the present in order to remind yourself what whatever you are feeling is temporary.
By using meditation techniques, we can observe our breath and try to deepen it, while visualizing the cause of the anger, anxiety, stress, annoyance, sadness, etc. We can use a visualization technique such as, for example, seeing the feeling as an over-inflated balloon that's floating away. No matter how we try to hang on to this balloon, it is getting bigger and bigger and eventually it will either burst or float away. As you are visualizing the feelings as balloons, allow the balloons to float away into the sky. You can try to squint your eyes and follow the balloons of emotions as they float further and further away from you, but, as you focus on your breath, the balloons should eventually be too far to see. According to meditation principles, this is a way to observe the world with wisdom and develop a habit of seeing reality as it is: momentary. Although feelings might feel very strong in the moment, they are only able to maintain strength if we are not willing to let go of them. If you choose to carry them around, they will weigh you down. As soon as we can visualize them, we have established control; we have given them shape. Now, as we have established a measure of control, we can also release them and thus neutralize their power. Focus on switching from an agitated, shallow breath, to a deeper breath and with each exhale, imagine you are releasing your momentary feelings into one of these balloons, filling them to such extent that you will eventually be unable to hold on to them.